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UCF's Honors Congress explores the night sky

The Honors Congress of Burnett Honors College gathered amongst an assortment of telescopes at the Robinson Observatory on a cool Thursday evening to share a private stargazing experience with their peers.

The observatory, which is a research and education facility run by UCF faculty and students, hosts public and private events for attendees to explore and examine the sky through its telescopes, according to the Planetary Sciences Group’s website.

“I think it's a really great way for people to

It's not rocket science, it's quantum physics: UCF project utilizes virtual reality to teach quantum information science

A virtual reality application at UCF received a nearly $1 million grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation to further education within quantum computing, a field in quantum information science.

QubitVR is a collaboration between researchers at UCF, University of Texas at Dallas and Vanderbilt University to further quantum education and address and solve complex barriers through virtual reality, according to UCF Today.

Dr. Michael Kolodrubetz, physics professor at UT Dallas and researche

UCF exhibit highlights American visual culture through typographic art

Attendees gathered on Thursday evening for the opening reception of "Type Out Loud", an exhibit that captures the essence of American culture through typographic art.

Featuring typographic artwork from a variety of artists and a 30-foot-long timeline plastered on the wall, the broadsides, or posters, tell the history of American print media and the stories that go along with it.

“Typographic broadsides can be a powerful, artistic form of broadcasting social, political, and cultural messages. "

Re-established club aims to create a community for female STEM students

The new executive board of Women in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science strives to close gender gaps for female STEM students.

Despite progress in gender equity and interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields among both men and women, women only make up 28% of the STEM workforce as of 2023, according to Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Professional Education website.

Myesha Rahman, WEECS public relations director and sophomore electrical engineering major

Lavender Council fosters safe space for LGBTQ+ students

LGBTQ+ Student Services hosted a mixer on Thursday evening at the Ginsburg Lounge to build relationships between students and queer organizations at UCF.

Isabella Demblewski, second-year Lavender Council board member and senior psychology major, said that they often hear that students aren’t aware of the LGBTQ+ resources available on campus, such as Pride Commons.

“It's a place for students to be able to have a safe environment to foster community or just to network. We also sometimes have eve

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